CCBS Postgraduate Enquiry Form for Bespoke Projects

Please complete this enquiry form ONLY if you are considering applying to postgraduate study in CCBS by devising a bespoke project (application route C). We will send this information to the potential supervisors you suggest below, to determine if they would consider accepting you as a postgraduate student. This is not an application, but will be used to assess your suitability for our postgraduate study programmes, so please answer the questions as fully as you can.

Please do not use this form for general postgraduate enquiries as we will not be able to help you. For enquiries about the admission process, University fees, scholarships, visa requirements, accommodation queries etc, please visit the  College of Medicine and Veterinary Medicine Postgraduate Study webpages ( or email

Personal details
Your intended programme
To the best of your knowledge, do you already meet the eligibility requirements for postgraduate study at the University of Edinburgh?
Please see details at If you do not already meet the requirements, you may still submit this form, but you should intend to meet them before you make a formal application for postgraduate study.
Please explain why you are not (yet) eligible and what steps you will be taking to ensure eligibility?
Programme of interest
You can select more than one.
Postgraduate study can begin on the first of any month, but most students start in September or October.
Do you already have funding / can you self-fund?
Do you already have an identified way to fund your living costs, tuition fees, consumables and travel? For information on what it costs to do a postgraduate degree see If you do not already have a way to fund your degree, you and/or your supervisor may need to make applications for scholarships and studentships. This can take up to a year.
Please identify up to 3 potential supervisors from the list of Centre for Clinical Brain Sciences Principal Investigators at You are encouraged to explore potential supervisors research interests by following the link to their profile, and also looking them up on Edinburgh Research Explorer at Please note that we will send the information you submit in this form to these potential supervisors. Note that not all potential supervisors will be able to accept a student at this time. We will inform you if this is the case.
About your intended postgraduate study.
Qualifications and experience
Please tell us the type of degree (e.g. BSc, MSc), name of Institution (and country if not UK), title of degree (e.g. Biomedical Sciences) and final class/grade obtained (or expected). Please do not detail marks for individual courses taken.
Tip: make sure this is closely related to the current research interests of the people you have specified as potential supervisors.
Additional information
Would you be prepared to undertake a skills-based test to demonstrate your aptitude for postgraduate study in your chosen research area?
This could include any special circumstances related to your studies/employment, whether you attended a school that doesn’t have a track record of students going on to university, if you are first in your family to attend university etc (or anything else you would us to know about, but have not already mentioned).