Ingrid Hoeritzauer receives the John D Matthews award

February 2018: Congratulations to clinical research fellow Dr Ingrid Hoeritzauer, who has received the John D Matthews Award 2017–2018 for academic excellence in the Centre for Clinical Brain Sciences.

Dr Ingrid Hoeritzauer is presented with the John D Matthews Award by Professor Siddharthan Chandran
Dr Ingrid Hoeritzauer is presented with the John D Matthews Award by Professor Siddharthan Chandran

Ingrid is an ABN/Patrick Berthoud Charitable Trust Clinical Research Training Fellow.  Her research involves prospectively phenotyping patients presenting with the clinical symptoms of cauda equina syndrome, including determining how many patients have evidence of a functional neurological disorder.

Ingrid’s long term goal is to become an academic Uro-Neurologist specialising in investigation and treatment of the effects of functional neurological disorders and cauda equina syndrome on the bladder.

I'm delighted to receive the John D Matthews Award for 2017-2018 and hope to raise awareness of the importance of functional neurological disorders and Uro-Neurological disorders which both significantly affect quality of life.  I’ve been incredibly fortunate to work with leaders in the fields of functional neurological disorders, Uro-Neurology and Neurosurgery from CCBS, Edinburgh and London.

I plan to use the John D Matthews Award for further training in urodynamics and neurophysiology to benefit patients clinically and through advancing research in this area.

Dr Ingrid Hoeritzauer
Recipient of the John D Matthews Award 2017-18

Related links

The John D Matthews Postgraduate Award

Functional Disorders research at the Centre for Clinical Brain Sciences