Highlights from Preventing Dementia conference

Dec 2017: The Centre for Dementia Prevention hosted a sell-out public conference last week on ‘Preventing Dementia: Advice and Advances'.

Panel of speakers at the Preventing Dementia Conference 2017

On the 29th of November 2017, The Centre for Dementia Prevention hosted its annual winter conference ‘‘Preventing Dementia: Advice and Advances’’ at Edinburgh’s Playfair Library.

We are delighted that the conference was sold-out and would like to say a huge thank you to everyone who came out on a cold November night to listen to a fantastic collection of speakers – including the Chief Executives of both Alzheimer’s Research UK and Alzheimer’s Scotland – and to join us in discussing how we can all manage our risk of dementia.

Our speakers received some great questions from the audience and many who attended expressed an interest in engaging with our research.

For the full summary of the evening, please read the article on the Centre for Dementia Prevention website.

Related links

Centre for Dementia Prevention website

Neurodegenerative conditions research at the Centre for Clinical Brain Sciences

Professor Craig Ritchie Principal Investigator profile