Courses & structure

The core and optional courses that make up the programme.

You can use our programme to receive a Postgraduate Certificate (PGCert), Diploma (PGDip) or Master of Science (MSc) in Stem Cells and Translational Neurology. The programme begins in September and runs part-time over a period of 1-6 years, depending on which award you choose to pursue.

The programme is modular in structure, offering a flexible student-centred approach to the choice of courses studied. You can pick a bespoke route through the programme, as best suits your learning objectives.

Stage 1: Postgraduate Certificate: 1-2 years [60 credits]

Students will complete the following core courses to attain this stage:

The core courses provide an introduction to the central nervous system, basic anatomy, cell types and development. Students will learn about sources, locations and roles of stem cells, and gain a critical understanding of how major new developments in this field offer unprecedented opportunities for drug discovery and potential treatments. Students will also get a basic understanding of statistics and acquire key research skills, such as how to critically evaluate scientific manuscripts.

In parallel, students will be introduced to neurodegenerative diseases (including Alzheimer’s disease, Parkinson’s disease and motor neurone disease), as well as in vitro and in vivo modelling of these diseases.

Upon successful completion of these courses, you can leave with a PGCert, or continue to the following stages of the Diploma/MSc.

Stage 2: Postgraduate Diploma: 2-4 years [120 credits]

At the Diploma stage, students must complete three core courses totalling 40 credits plus elective courses totalling 20 credits.

Core courses (40 credits)

Elective Courses (20 credits)

Students can choose elective courses from other online programmes within the College of Medicine and Veterinary Medicine, allowing more detailed investigation of related topics. Our faculty will assist in choosing and supporting elective courses that may be selected from affiliated online programmes such as Science Communication and Public Engagement, Neuroimaging for Research, Clinical Trials, Clinical Management of Pain, Global Health or Anatomical Sciences.


Upon successful completion of these courses, you can leave with a PGDip or continue to the final stage, the MSc.

Stage 3: MSc: 3-6 years [180 credits]

The final qualification is MSc. To achieve it, students will have completed the Certificate and Diploma stages (total 120 credits) plus a further 60 credits comprising either further taught courses or a dissertation.

The taught courses will be selected by the student after discussion with academic staff and agreement by the course organisers.

Option A - Taught elective courses (60 credits)

We have specifically developed three taught new courses for students to complete their MSc, commencing in academic year 2020/21:

Students are also welcome to explore elective courses from affiliated online programmes such as: 

Option B - Dissertation (60 credits)



Next page: Entrance requirements