Tom Russ appointed Research Champion for NRS Neuroprogressive and Dementia Network

May 2021: Congratulations to Tom on his appointment.

Dr Tom Russ

Dr Tom Russ, Honorary Clinical Senior Lecturer and Director of the Alzheimer Scotland Dementia Research Centre, has been appointed the new Research Champion for the NHS Scotland Neuroprogressive and Dementia Network.

The network researchers from across a range of disciplines to deliver research across Scotland in a wide range of healthcare settings.



This Network has been active across Scotland since 2009 promoting clinical research in dementia and neuroprogressive conditions. I am looking forward to continuing this important work and building on the strong public engagement the Network already has. We plan to put patient and public involvement at the centre of the Network’s activities and ensure that everyone in Scotland with a dementia or neuroprogressive condition is offered the opportunity to take part in research.

Dr Tom Russ

Related links

Dr Tom Russ' profile

NRS Neuroprogressive and Dementia Network

Alzheimer Scotland Dementia Research Centre