Thank you to Functional Disorders donors

May 2016: On behalf of the Functional Disorders Research Group in CCBS, we would like to extend a very warm thank you to Ron and Jillian Eather, who have fundraised for this research and made two generous donations in the last year.

Ron and Jillian Eather
Ron and Jillian Eather, generous donors to the Functional Disorders research programme

Philanthropy is extremely important to the University of Edinburgh and greatly appreciated by the researchers. Supporters can open the doors to pioneering research, help create new opportunities for students, and impact the wider community.

Functional disorders are one of the commonest reason for patients to see a neurologist. They include problems such as, functional movement disorders (such as problems with gait, tremor and spasms), dissociative (non-epileptic) seizures and functional limb weakness.

Often hidden and stigmatised, Functional Disorders are genuine and often disabling disorders of nervous system functioning rather than brain disease.

The Functional Disorders Group, led by Dr Jon Stone and Dr Alan Carson, carries out clinical research on a wide range of functional disorders, looking at how common they are, why and how they happen and trialling physical and psychological treatments.

Related links

Functional Disorders Research in CCBS (a new website for patients who have symptoms, including those of functional disorders, after minor head injury)

The Big Leap Fundraising for research at the University of Edinburgh