Stroke Research Group – change of leadership, change of name

Apr 2020: The renamed Cerebrovascular Research Group in CCBS will be headed by Prof Rustam Al-Shahi Salman.

After more years than he cares to  remember, Prof Martin Dennis who has been head of the Stroke Research Group (SRG) at the University of Edinburgh is handing over the baton to Prof Rustam Al-Shahi Salman from April 1st

With this, a change in name from the SRG  to the Cerebrovascular Research group (CVRG) to reflect the diversity of the clinical manifestations of vascular disease in the brain that are now recognised, and which are reflected by the depth and breadth of the interests, skills, and outputs of the researchers in the CCBS CVRG.

We wish all the best to Rustam in this new and important role.

Related links

Cerebrovascular Research at the Centre for Clinical Brain Sciences

Professor Rustam Al-Shahi Salman's profile

Professor Martin Dennis' profile