
Find out what's happening this week

National Stroke Session, 5 June 2024 at 1pm

Case presentation

Dr Cameron Brown, neurology registrar, Greater Glasgow and Clyde NHS

Chair:Niall Hughes


Contact CVRG administrator for joining details



I am sure you all agree that the Wednesday stroke teaching sessions are incredibly valuable both as an educational resource and as a forum for sharing and discussion within the Scottish Stroke community. They were set up by Martin Dennis, with support from Rustam and Elaine, a couple of years ago. The admin support from Elaine was only ever meant to be temporary but as these sessions are so useful our friends at the Stroke Association have very kindly offered to take over the support and administration of the teaching.  

Michael Foley who is the Stroke Association's Public Affairs and Campaigns officer for Scotland will take over from Elaine.  The intention is to do this from after the summer break.  The last talk of the current run is the 26th June and we will restart on 14th August.  For the changeover of support a number of things need to happen. 

The distribution list for the invitations will be handled by Michael at the Stroke Association.  For this to happen can you please complete the form at this link so that Michael has your details.  Scotland national stroke sessions Wednesdays 1pm. (  To make this as seamless as possible please complete this by 30th June if you wish to continue being invited.  Once we have the transferred email list we can then send out invitations and links as Elaine does at present. 

The sessions will continue to be on MS teams and will be recorded for those who cannot join live.  A record of attendance will be kept for all the sessions however because of constraints on Michael's time availability we will no longer be able to send out certificates of attendance to everyone each week.  I hope you understand this.

On behalf of you all I'd like to thank the Stroke Association for taking on the support of this meeting which gives us the ability to keep them going.  I'd also like to give a huge thank you to Elaine for the amazing work she has done to support these sessions over the past few years - thank you Elaine.

Dr Matt Lambert, Consultant in Stroke and Medicine for the Elderly, National Clinical Lead for Stroke and Stroke Specialty Advisor to the CMO




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The Cerebrovascular Research Group only uses the personal data you have provided in order to deliver our weekly email announcements and meeting links to ensure each individual receives relevant information. The information you provide will be used by the University to:  

  • Keep you up to date with news and progress regarding our national seminar programme.
  • Ensure we only communicate with you about events, opportunities, or services of interest to you

We are currently using information about you because of legitimate interest in the research/clinical topics explored in our national seminar programme.

We will hold the personal data you provided us for 1 year.  After this period we will send communication to you querying whether you wish to remain on our mailing list.  Alternatively, you can opt out of the mailing list at any time.  You can subscribe/unsubscribe at any time by contacting Elaine Lord, CVRG administrator.

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