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We regret we do not currently have a telephone number for general enquires.

Visit us

The Row Fogo Centre for Research into Ageing and the Brain

The University of Edinburgh

Chancellor’s Building

49 Little France Crescent

Edinburgh, EH16 4SB



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Support our studies: how to fundraise or make a donation?

Our research depends on generous donations from philanthropists and members of the public. We greatly appreciate your contributions as they greatly help us to develop and extend our research, which improves the lives of people affected by small vessel diseases in any form.

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 Easyfundraising for Row Fogo Centre

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Links of interest

Postgraduate courses in neuroimaging

PhD opportunities

Information for visiting students and research fellows

Vacancies at the Row Fogo Centre


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Key staff profiles


Director of the Row Fogo Centre

Professor Joanna Wardlaw

Chair of Applied Neuroimaging; Head of Neuroimaging Sciences and Edinburgh Imaging

Profile link

Professor Joanna Wardlaw


Row Fogo Centre staff 


 Dr Maria Valdes-Hernandez – Centre Scientific Committee Member

Row Fogo Lecturer in Medical Image Analysis

Profile Link

Dr Maria Valdes Hernandez
Dr Francesca Chappell  - Scientific Committee Member 

Senior Medical Statistician

Profile link

Dr Francesca Chappell
Dr Rosalind Brown - Scientific Research Coordinator for Studies on Small Vessel Disease

The University of Edinburgh

Profile link

Dr Rosalind Brown


See also

About the Row Fogo Centre

Our research
