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Row Fogo Centre for Research into Ageing and the Brain
Centre for Clinical Brain Sciences
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About the Row Fogo Centre
About the Row Fogo Centre
Aims and objectives
Friends of the Row Fogo Centre
What is Small Vessel Disease?
Our research
Our research
Research projects
Row Fogo Research Projects
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AI projects
Row Fogo Centre exchange students and fellows
Scientific outputs and learning materials
Scientific outputs and learning materials
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Image analysis visual tools
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SVD Research staff & students
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About the Row Fogo Centre
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Aims and objectives
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PhD opportunities
Postgraduate courses in neuroimaging
Friends of the Row Fogo Centre
What is Small Vessel Disease?
Our research
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Research projects
Row Fogo Research Projects
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Fondation Leducq Transatlantic Network of Excellence- Perivascular Spaces in Small Vessel Diseases
International Perivascular Spaces Meta-analysis Collaboration
Mild Stroke Study 3 (MSS3)
Brain Changes in Sleep Apnoea
Lacunar Intervention Trials (LACI-1, LACI-2)
Rates, Risks and Routes to Reduce Vascular Dementia (R4VaD)
Small Vessel Diseases (SVDs) Brain Tissue Bank
Centres for Excellence in Neurodegeneration (COEN) and Joint Programme for Neurodegeneration Research (JPND)
Imaging of the small blood vessels in the retina
Associated centres
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Associated centres and facilities
Collaborations and networks outside Edinburgh
AI projects
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Project title: "Deformable Template Models and Shape Feature Descriptors for Brain Shape Morphometry" (DTMforBrainAnalysis)
Project: Data-driven Prediction Model using 3D Multimodal Deep Neural Networks for Estimating the Evolution of WHM in Brain MRI
Project title: "Super Resolution algorithms and software tools for MR imaging techniques"
Project title: "Sensitive behavioural and neuroimaging markers in detecting cognitive ageing"
Project title: "Quality Control Methods for the Automatic Segmentation of WMH from Brain MRI using Deep Learning"
Project title: "Exploring the structural brain imaging correlates underpinning cognitive changes leading to dementia"
Project title: "Super-resolution of Magnetic Resonance Images (MRI) acquired under clinical protocols"
Doctoral Programme in Mathematical Sciences
Row Fogo Centre exchange students and fellows
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Visiting students
Short-term students
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Academic year 2020 / 2021
Academic year 2019 / 2020
Visiting research fellows
Scientific outputs and learning materials
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Software releases
Image analysis visual tools
Learning materials
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Dr Una Clancy presentation “Relatives’ concerns about declining cognition and function associates with SVD's progression”
Stewart Wiseman presentation “Retinal changes as a means of understanding vascular dysfunction in the brain: update from MSS3”
Conference posters
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Dr Maria del C. Valdés Hernández lecture, titled "Neuroimaging"
Dr Sebastian Lewandowski - Guest Lecture at Neuroimaging Sciences Monthly Meeting
Statistical training
News and events
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Upcoming events
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Past events
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Events 2021
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11th UK & Ireland Early Career Blood-Brain Barrier Symposium
“AI in MRI Quantification” lecture by Dr Maria Valdes-Hernandez
25th Medical Image Understanding and Analysis Conference (MIUA 2021)
European Stroke Organisation (ESO) Guideline Webinar
7th European Stroke Conference
13th SINAPSE Annual Scientific Meeting
Webinar: Professor Valentina Escott-Price talk titled 'Genomic profiling for prediction of Alzheimer’s disease risk'
NEUROFLUIDS: Physiology, methods and disease (webinar)
Events in 2020
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10th UK & Ireland Early Career BBB Symposium
Invited speakers
Ways to engage with us
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Interested in fundraising or making a donation?
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Fundraisers' stories
Impact of your donations on our research
Row Fogo Charitable Trust
SVD Network newsletters
SVD Research staff & students
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SVD Network Meeting - 18th February 2021
Row Fogo Centre logo, fonts and colours
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Presentation slides and poster templates
Row Fogo Centre logo
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Selected guidelines
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Upcoming events
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Past events
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Events 2021
Events in 2020
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10th UK & Ireland Early Career BBB Symposium
Invited speakers
Centre for Clinical Brain Sciences
Row Fogo Centre for Research into Ageing and the Brain
News and events
Upcoming events
Past events
Events 2020
Events 2020
Events held in 2020.
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