About the Row Fogo Centre

The main focus of the Row Fogo Centre for Research into Ageing and the Brain is to improve the understanding of how blood vessel diseases can damage the brain, leading to stroke, cognitive decline, dementia, and mobility problems.

We aim to:

  • Promote greater understanding of brain health and vascular disease amongst scientists, health professionals, policymakers, and the public
  • Facilitate learning, knowledge exchange, and better patient care
  • Encourage the best students and scientists worldwide to work on Small Vessel Disease
  • Support fundraising towards the Centre’s work

Our work would not be possible without the generous support of the Row Fogo Trust since 2001. The Row Fogo Charitable Trust formed in 1970 from the generosity of Mrs Gladys Row Fogo. Its charitable purposes are wide-reaching with a focus on supporting medical research, care of older people, and a range of activities to help young people, within central Scotland.

Dr Susana Muñoz Maniega teaching school children about the brain.
Dr Susana Muñoz Maniega teaching school children about the brain.

At The Row Fogo Centre for Research into Aging and the Brain, we are dedicated to improving understanding of the brain damage caused by small vessel diseases (SVD)

The Row Fogo Centre for Research into Ageing and the Brain is guided by a distinguished advisory board:

An overview of recent vacancies, PhD opportunities and professional training courses in medical image analysis.