Impact of your donations on our research

Find out more about how your donations and fundraising positively impacts other’s lives.

By supporting our work you are helping researchers to understand the causes of small vessel diseases (SVDs), how they progress, and to develop treatments and improve quality of life for people affected with the Alzheimer's Disease, stroke and dementia. 

For example:


£5 could help to buy a bulk of envelopes for posting blood samples or research questionnaires

  • Envelopes are vital they help our research to deliver blood samples for laboratory analysis or cognitive tests to patients in different locations across UK.
Brain scans

£10 could provide a set of blood tests for a research participant

  • Taking blood samples is an important aspect of our research in identifying cerebrovascular conditions and predicting their causes, which help to develop prevention methods and treatment. Blood samples are used in many ways: to measure markers of brain dysfunction or to provide information about the waste drainage system in the brain. 

£140 could provide a cylinder of gases necessary to perform brain scans

  • Gases in the medical analysis are used for creating medical image contrast, which is crucial for a clear understanding of brain vascular pathology leading to the most common age-related diseases. These can be prevented at the early onset with highly specialised medial analysis tools developed at the Row Fogo Centre.

£250 could provide equipment for taking blood pressure

  • Measuring blood pressure when participants are active or during sleep is an important step in estimating blood pressure in the brain. High blood pressure leads to hyperintensities, which is strongly associated with SVDs and stroke.

£400 could provide a short MRI scan for a research participant

  • MRI scans are often used in neurological research studies because they are safe and painless for the participant, and can show doctors and scientists an incredible amount of information about the brain. 

£800 could provide more detailed MRI scan for a research participant

  • Specialised scans play a crucial role in developing image analysis methods by using more detailed medical images. Yet, some scans take longer time and cost more. 

£1000 could fund a year's supply of drugs for two people taking part in a clinical trial

  • By testing the effectiveness of new medicines in clinical trials, we identify new treatments for senior age.

£5000 could help with the technical maintenance of our equipment 

  • Our MRI scanner and retinal imaging machinery require expensive maintenance, and annual health and safety checks. This a very important aspect to ensure the health and safety of our study participants.


See also

Our work

Our research

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