European Stroke Organisation (ESO) Guideline Webinar - registration opened

Event date: 11th May 2021, 2pm - 4pm BST

Registration for the European Stroke Organisation (ESO) Guideline Webinar is now opened. The event will feature a talk from Professor Joanna Wardlaw, who is the Chair of Applied Neuroimaging, Head of Neuroimaging Sciences and Edinburgh Imaging, and the Director of The Row Fogo Centre for Research into Ageing and the Brain.

Free registration - everyone interested is welcomed to join.

Webinar content

Guidelines about:

  • Blood pressure management in acute ischaemic stroke and intracerebral haemorrhage
  • Management of space-occupying brain infarction
  • Endarterectomy and stenting for carotid artery stenosis
  • Covert small vessel disease



Professor Leo Bonati

University Hospital of Basel, Switzerland

Profile link - University of Basel (external link)

Professor Leo Bonati

Dr Else Charlotte Sandset

Oslo University Hospital, Norway

Profile link - European Stroke Organisation (external link)

Dr Else Charlotte Sandset

ProfessorJoanna Wardlaw

The University of Edinburgh, Scotland

Profile link - The University of Edinburgh

Professor Joanna Wardlaw

Dr Bart van der Worp

University Medical Center Utrecht, the Netherlands

Profile link - European Stroke Organisation (external link)

Dr Bart van der Worp


Please, register using the following flyer:

ESO Guideline Webinar - flyer and registration link

 ESO Guideline Webinar (675.14 KB PDF)