Dr Sebastian Lewandowski - Guest Lecture at the virtual Neuroimaging Sciences Monthly Meeting is now available online

Guest lecture given on the 16th June 2020.

Dr Sebastian Lewandowski from Karolinska Institute (Sweden) gave a guest lecture during the the virtual Neuroimaging Sciences Monthly Meeting, on the 16th of June 2020.

His talk titled "Perivascular fibroblast cells contribute to cerebrovascular remodelling and dynamics of ASL neurodegeneration", is now available on the Row fogo Centre for Research into Ageing and the Brain website.

Dr Sebastian Lewandowski (Karolinska Institute, Sweden) guest lecture


Related publication

The Row Fogo Centre for Research into Ageing and the Brain would like to congratulate Dr Lewandowski on publishing his research article in Nature Medicine -one of the leading journals in medical research field.

Månberg, A., Skene, N., Sanders, F. [...] Lewandowski, S.  "Altered perivascular fibroblast activity precedes ALS disease onset". Nat Med 27, 640–646 (2021).

Publication link


Dr Lewandowski's research

Dr Lewandowski's group studies vascular mechanisms in ALS neurodegeneration and dementia in FTD and AD to find novel therapeutic applications and clinical biomarkers. The group looks how blood vessel dysfunction and vascular remodelling leads to increased severity of Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis (ALS) and FTD using bioinformatics, in-vivo rodent models and clinical samples. The results lead to novel off-label drug applications to therapy and biomarkers in neurodegeneration including ALS, stroke and Multiple Sclerosis.


Related links

Dr Sebastian Lewandowski research profile at Karolinska Institute website (external link)