11th UK & Ireland Early Career Blood-Brain Barrier Symposium

12th of November 2021, online

The 11th UK & Ireland Early Career Blood-Brain Barrier Symposium, will take place online on the 12th of November 2021.

This event will include lectures from keynote speakers internationally recognised for their work on blood-brain barrier, including Professor Berislav Zlokovic from the University of Southern California. 

The symposium will also showcase poster presentations and talks delivered by Early Career Researchers (ECRs) studying barriers of the CNS from around the UK & Ireland.

The event will be hosted by the Nottingham Trent University.


Keynote speakers

  • Professor Berislav V Zlokovic from Zilkha Neurogenetic Institute, University of Southern California

Professor Berislav Zlokovic research profile 


  • Dr Pieter Gaillard from 2-BBB, Netherlands.

Related website: 2-bbb.com


Attendance registration

Registration deadline: 11th November 2021

11th BBB Symposium registration form


Abstract submission

Abstract submission deadline: 7th of October 2021

Please, follow the abstract submission link below if you would like to submit an absract for consideration.

11th BBB Symposium Abstract Submission registration form (external link)


Related links

11th UK & Ireland Early Career Blood-Brain Barrier Symposium website (external link)