Investigation into neurodevelopmental conditions & neurodiversity at CCBS spans basic research on cellular and molecular mechanisms, disease modelling using in vivo and human stem cell-based models, neuroimaging and clinical research on epidemiology, outcome and treatment.
Neurodevelopmental conditions and neurodiversity research is centred around three philanthropically funded Centres/Laboratories that involve researchers and disciplines from CCBS and other Centres at the University of Edinburgh.
Patrick Wild Centre for Research into Autism, Fragile X Syndrome and Intellectual Disabilities
The mission of the Patrick WIld Centre is to understand the neurological basis of these these conditions and related neurodiversity by fostering collaborations between world-class basic science and clinical research at The University of Edinburgh.
Patrick Wild Centre for Research into Autism, Fragile X Syndrome and Intellectual Disabilities
Clinical Director: Dr Andrew Stanfield (CCBS)
Scientific Director: Dr Peter Kind (Centre for Discovery Brain Sciences)
Muir Maxwell Epilepsy Centre
The Muir Maxwell Epilepsy Centre is a "centre without walls" at the University of Edinburgh founded by the Muir Maxwell Epilepsy Trust. The Centre undertakes multidisciplinary research into the causes and consequences of epilepsy, translating research findings into improved patient care.
Jennifer Brown Research Laboratory
A translational research programme to identify the triggers for preterm labour and treatments to prevent it, and to identify the mechanisms that lead to abnormal fetal or neonatal brain growth and poor outcome. The Theirworld Edinburgh Birth Cohort (TEBC) is a world-leading research study aiming to improve the lives of babies born too early and their families.
Jennifer Brown Research Laboratory
Theirworld Edinburgh Birth Cohort
Principal Investigator: Prof James Boardman (MRC CRH and CCBS)
Salvesen Mindroom Research Centre
The Salvesen Mindroom Research Centre undertakes research to improve the lives of children with learning difficulties and their families. The Centre was founded by Alastair Salvesen and Scottish learning difficulties charity, The Salvesen Mindroom Centre.
Salvesen Mindroom Research Centre
Director: Dr Sue Fletcher-Watson
Edinburgh Psychoeducation Intervention for Children and Young People (EPIC)
EPIC is a research programme that takes an individualised ‘tool-kit’ approach to child development. It aims to facilitate optimal learning, behaviour, and wellbeing in children and young people.
Principal Investigator: Dr Sinead Rhodes