Jul-Dec 2019

CCBS news from July to December 2019.

News listing

Publication date

Latest Psychiatry Lectures now online

14 January, 2016

Jan 2016: The most recent set of talks from the Psychiatry Special Lecture Series is now available…

Postgraduate Administrator position available

14 January, 2016

CCBS is now recruiting a Postgraduate Administrator.

Edinburgh in global MS research effort

14 January, 2016

People who suffer from progressive forms of multiple sclerosis (MS) could be helped by a major…

Launch of the Dementias Platform UK

14 January, 2016

The Dementias Platform UK, a large-scale research collaboration, will hold its inaugural meeting in…

Taking Neurology training to Zambia

14 January, 2016

Professor Peter Sandercock was one of the teachers at a recent European Academy of Neurology-led…

Prize for Edinburgh Exercise After Stroke pathway

14 January, 2016

The Exercise after Stroke pathway in Edinburgh has won an NHS Lothian "Best Innovation"…

Study to boost health of premature babies

14 January, 2016

Nov 2015: Babies are to be tracked from birth to adulthood in a bid to find new ways of preventing…

Languages help stroke recovery

14 January, 2016

Nov 2015: People who speak more than one language are more likely to recover from a stroke than…

Study bid to predict MS severity

14 January, 2016

Nov 2015: Better ways of predicting disease activity in people with MS will be the focus of a new…

Launch of Centre for Dementia Prevention

14 January, 2016

Nov 2015: People living with dementia and their families are set to benefit from a new centre aimed…