Our achievements

We have expertise in the full range of sleep disorders and have produced over 250 original publications.

  • 2,500 new patients each year
  • Over 250 original publications
  • 30 years of research
  • Most cited centre for sleep apnoea research in the world
  • Seven-bed facility for performing polysomnography
Our achievements:

We are the most highly cited centre in the world for sleep apnoea/hypopnoea syndrome and the second most highly cited centre for clinical sleep medicine.

Our research is primarily clinically based and encompasses all areas of sleep medicine.


The Department of Sleep Medicine in the Royal Infirmary of Edinburgh has been diagnosing and treating sleep disorders in adults for 30 years. The Department sees about 2,500 new patients a year and has a seven-bed facility for performing polysomnography. We also use home diagnostics for limited sleep studies in the investigation of possible sleep apnoea.


Our strong focus on research and teaching has resulted in over 250 original publications. Many of these form the basis of best practice guidelines in the investigation and treatment of obstructive sleep apnoea on an international level.