Scottish Audit of Intracranial Vascular Malformations

The Scottish Audit of Intracranial Vascular Malformations (SAIVMs) is part of the Scottish National Audits Programme (SNAP).

SAIVMs was the result of a multicentre, multidisciplinary collaboration between representatives of the four Scottish neuroscience centres, other relevant specialists throughout NHS Scotland, patients, and general practitioners (GPs).  SAIVMs has been overseen by a multidisciplinary steering committee, monitored by SNAP leads, and supported by many related organisations. 

SAIVMs evaluates health services for patients with intracranial vascular malformations (IVMs), in order to:

1.    monitor equity of access to treatment

2.    monitor patterns of intervention

3.    monitor the outcomes of patients who do and do not receive interventional treatment (and thereby monitor the comparative effectiveness of these interventions)

4.    assess the health economics of treatment use

5.    strive for quality improvement in clinical services in Scotland

You can read more about our protocol and audit standards below.  You can read our information leaflet about the audit in plain english here.


SAVIMS information leaflet (105.91 KB / PDF)


Information about protocol and audit

Published audit reports

The SAIVMs Steering Committee is a multidisciplinary, multicentre collaborative group, drawn from the four neuroscience centres in Scotland

SAIVMs was approved by a variety of organisations

Research publications that have arisen from SAIVMs and SIVMS

You can contact the team