New website for Row Fogo Centre

December 2020: Please explore the excellent new website for the Row Fogo Centre for Research into Ageing and the Brain.

The Row Fogo Centre is a philanthropically funded research hub within CCBS and Edinburgh Neuroscience. It has been funded by the Row Fogo Trust since 2001.   

The main focus of the Centre  is to improve understanding, diagnosis and treatment of Small Vessel Diseases (SVD), which are a major cause of stroke, cognitive decline, dementia, and mobility problems.

Led by Professor Joanna Wardlaw, the Centre draws its membership from across Edinburgh Neuroscience, comprising academic staff, technical staff, PhD students and administrators.

The Centre has a detailed and informative new website at Row Fogo Centre for Research into Ageing and the Brain. We encourage you to visit the site to find out more about this important research initiative.

MRI brain scans

Related links

Professor Joanna Wardlaw's profile

Edinburgh Neuroscience website

CCBS 'who we are' page, with links to all our philanthropic research hubs