Dec 2016: Edinburgh Imaging is delighted to announce that a new magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) scanner is now operational at the Royal Infirmary of Edinburgh. The new instrument is a 3T Siemens Prisma MRI that is optimised for neurological (brain) scans.The image below is the first tractography image reconstructed from diffusion tensor imaging, and showing nerve connections between different parts of the brain, combined with high definition structural images showing the hippocampus (red objects) where memories are formed and stored.The Brain Research Imaging Centre team is excited about the future research projects, where the Edinburgh Imaging facility (RIE) will be providing imaging of the brain across the life course, for example neonatal research, cognitive ageing and dementia research.The new scanner is an excellent addition to the current 1.5T MRI scanner located at the Western General Hospital, and allows the team to further develop advanced imaging techniques. Image Related linksNeuroimaging research in CCBSEdinburgh Imaging (an umbrella organisation encompassing all imaging activity in Edinburgh) Publication date 06 Dec, 2016