Functional Disorders: new book, meeting & good news from the team

Nov 2016: Congratulations to CCBS researchers Jon Stone and Alan Carson, who have co-edited the textbook, "Functional Neurologic Disorders" and are planning a conference on the topic. They also have both been promoted to Reader.

The Functional Disorders Research Group in CCBS, led by Dr Jon Stone and Dr Alan Carson, carries out clinical research on a wide range of functional disorders, which are disorders of nervous system function that are not caused by brain disease.

Functional Neurologic Disorders book cover

Dr Stone and Dr Carson have recently co-edited, with Dr Mark Hallett, Head of Motor Control at NIH, a 51-chapter, PubMed-accessible book,  entitled 'Functional Neurological Disorders'. This is the first time there has been any book covering all functional disorders in neurological practice.

Functional Neurologic Disorders, the latest volume in the Handbook of Clinical Neurology series, summarizes state-of-the-art research findings and clinical practice on this class of disorders at the interface between neurology and psychiatry. This 51-chapter volume offers an historical introduction, chapters on epidemiology and pathophysiolology, a large section on the clinical features of different type of functional neurologic symptoms and disorders (including functional movement disorders, non-epileptic seizures, dizziness, vision, hearing, speech and cognitive symptoms), and then concluding with approaches to therapy.

This group of internationally acclaimed experts in neurology, psychiatry, and neuroscience represent a broad spectrum of areas of expertise, chosen for their ability to write clearly and concisely with an eye toward a clinical audience. This HCN volume sets a new landmark standard for a comprehensive, multi-authored work dealing with functional neurologic disorders (also described as psychogenic, dissociative or conversion disorders).

Functional Neurologic Disorders book at the Elsevier Store (15% discount!)


To mirror the book, there will be an international conference in Edinburgh next Sept

3rd International Conference on Functional (Psychogenic) Neurological Disorders

06 Sep 2017 - 08 Sep 2017 

6-8 September 2017: This three-day conference will cover all functional disorders in neurology.

Personal successes for the team

Finally, we are delighted to learn that both Dr Stone and Dr Carson have recently been promoted to Reader within the University. Congratulations!


Related links

Read more about Functional Disorders research in CCBS

Dr Jon Stone Principal Investigator profile

Dr Alan Carson Principal Investigator profile