
Our latest news

Learn how you can look after your amazing brain in this interactive discussion

The symposium will be hosted at the Royal College of Physicians, Edinburgh, and will discuss highly topical themes on the subject of brain health and how this relates to future clinical practice.

Dr Catherine Pennington will be speaking at Falkirk Trinity Church as part of a public science festival event. The event talks about brain health and the science of a keeping your ageing brain healthy!

The Brain Health Summer School is a 5 day interactive online course, which will combine materials and activities to work through in your own time, alongside daily live sessions with course tutors and fellow attendees to explore each topic in more depth.

The Scottish Brain Health Bioresource has brought together data and samples from three Alzheimer's disease studies and made these available to researchers across the globe

The European Prevention of Alzheimer's Disease (EPAD) project has announced the sharing of genomic samples and other particpant data to the global research community

Graciela Muniz-Terrera has been named Professor of Ageing, Health and Methods

Registration for Edinburgh Dementia Preventions's 2022 Summer School is now open

The University would like to hear your views on a potential new postgraduate opportunity in Brain Health

Elite football and rugby sportspersons are taking part in the PREVENT Dementia research program in order to better understand the risks between dementia and the sports

Dr Donncha Mullin wins the 2021 Research Prize for best paper published in a peer-reviewed journal by a RCPsych member.

In the latest Scottish Brain Health Register (SBHR) Newsletter you will find all the latest news and updates from SBHR and Edinburgh Dementia prevention, including information on the switch from CONCERT-D to SBHR, information about the new Brain Health Scotland initiative, how to access a free online course into Brain Health & Disease, all the latest EDP research, and much more!

The Centre for Dementia Prevention Basic Science domain studies the early development of neurodegenerative disease. In a new publication Eleanor Pickett (pictured below) and colleagues looked at a protein called tau and the role of tau tangles in the very earliest stages of Alzheimer’s disease development on a mouse model. The authors highlight the importance of boosting the natural immune system to prevent the disease development.

As research and clinical trials into Alzheimer’s disease continue to move towards focusing on a preclinical and an outwardly healthy population, a new international study evaluates the role of education in later life memory performance. One of the senior academics in the Centre for Dementia Prevention and a Senior Lecturer in Statistics Dr Graciela Muniz-Terrera (pictured) co-authored the paper that explored the cognitive performance of over 11 000 Europeans aged over 65 over an 8 year period in 10 different countries.

With an increasing global effort and collaboration in developing new treatments and a better understanding of Alzheimer’s disease, it is pertinent to link the progress made in research to how communication around Alzheimer’s disease has evolved alongside the science. As the Centre for Dementia Prevention prepares to open new clinical trials reaching an even greater number of people, we appreciate the nuance of communicating risk status to our trial participants as well as patients in a clinical setting. We are delighted to have contributed our expertise to a new discussion paper debating the ethical issues around the language used to talk about Alzheimer’s disease.

A new collaborative study by the University of Edinburgh shows that older people who followed a Mediterranean diet retained more brain volume over a three-year period than those who did not follow the diet as closely. The Mediterranean diet includes large amounts of fruits, vegetables, olive oil, beans and cereal grains such as wheat and rice, moderate amounts of fish, dairy and wine, and limited red meat and poultry.

With Christmas and holiday season right before us, we are sending all our trial participants, colleagues, collaborators and friends a huge thanks for making 2016 a great year and hope you have a fantastic end of the year.

In 2015, 48 million people were living with Alzheimer’s disease worldwide. Currently, there is no effective treatment or cure for the disease – eagerly anticipated results from a recent drug study by Ely Lilly unfortunately showed another drug did not work.

New publication investigates the role of two toxic proteins in Alzheimer's Disease

The Clinical Domain in the Centre for Dementia Prevention has recently moved into a new purpose built clinical trials unit at Edinburgh BioQuarter.

The Clinical Domain in the Centre for Dementia Prevention has recently moved into a new purpose built clinical trials unit at Edinburgh BioQuarter.

In a recent article on the Centre for Dementia Prevention website, Dr Tom Russ discussed the geographical differences in dementia morality rates.

We are thrilled to report on recent progress on the European Prevention of Alzheimer’s Dementia (EPAD) study.

The Ophthalmology Translational Research Group (OTRG) is led by Tom MacGillivray and Bal Dhillon and the role of the group is to facilitate the development of eye imaging in the field of dementia research.

September 21st is the International Alzheimer’s Day and a fantastic opportunity to look at dementia research through the eyes of the three Centre for Dementia Prevention directors.

We are delighted to share the background of the first publication affiliated with the Centre for Dementia Prevention.

The Centre for Dementia Prevention brings together knowledge and expertise from the fields of Clinical Trials, Basic Science and Social Science, the ethos of the centre is collaborative work and strong links between researchers across disciplines.

We are delighted to announce that Professor Craig Ritchie  has been appointed as Associate Director of the Edinburgh Clinical Research Facility (CRF).

Julie Duffus is the first volunteer to enlist in a major new dementia prevention study, which kicks off today at the Centre for Dementia Prevention

The University of Edinburgh highlighted the work done at the Centre for Dementia Prevention in their recent annual review.

Smoking and Dementia Risk: ASH publish their 2016 Manifesto

Celebrating the launch of the Centre for Dementia Prevention

The launch of the Centre for Dementia Prevention