Global Mental Health

We support the development of mental health research, training and clinical capacity across the globe, at present primarily in Malawi.

The University of Edinburgh has a long-standing and active commitment to Global Health and Mental Health, through the cross-College Global Health Academy and the Centre for Global Health in the Usher Institute. 

In the Division of Psychiatry, we have many links to researchers in those units and to projects across the globe.  Partly for historical reasons, building on the work of Scottish Government-funded charity the Scotland Malawi Mental Health Education Project (SMMHEPSC039523), our currently funded studies are concentrated in the sub-Saharan African country of Malawi where we are supporting the development of mental health research, training and clinical capacity. 

Example projects

Project title Funder Investigator(s)

Generation Malawi: a study of family, maternal and childhood mental health

MRC     Andrew McIntosh, Robert Stewart

PROMISE (Psychosis Recovery Orientation in Malawi by Improving Services and Engagement)

Wellcome Stephen Lawrie, Robert Stewart
WARMHEART (Malawian Program For Mental Health Research Training) NIH Robert Stewart